
The 10 Steps to Physically Starting a Business

The 10 Steps to Physically Starting a Business

Someone who read our startup book, The Titanic Effect, reached out to us to say, “I think I understand the decisions I need to make. Now, I am ready to start my business. What are my first steps?” While our last blogpost shared how to develop a process for making complex decisions, this one is for those of you who are ready to actually start your business. So, here are your first 10 steps. In case that number intimidates you, they are interrelated and can be done concurrently. You are already working on another step while completing an earlier one. And we assume you already have the business idea. These are the steps to physically start that business. 

Building a Good Brand Name for your Startup

Building a Good Brand Name for your Startup

After more than 30 years of working with startups and new products, it still shocks us at how difficult finding a good brand name is. Just last week, we were talking with a founder who shared her startup’s name and then asked what we associated with that name. I can assure you our immediate associations were quite different from what the startup does. Her response, “Yes, we hear that all of the time. So, here’s our tagline – We’re not an X. Instead, we’re an Y.” So we thought it was time for Brand Naming 101.